The way our daycare operates today is a result of our +36 years of experience. We know what your child needs and we are comitted to give it the best attention, nourishment and nursing every day at the daycare. 


We follow the personal rhythm of your child as much as possible.  The nourishment and sleeping hours are also adapted to the own rhythm of your child.  The activities are also adapted to the own needs of your child.


Our older children have a more or less fixed day schedule.  In this group we have activities, such as draw, tinker, dance, paint, finger paint, gymnastics, telling stories, dolls cupboard and sing. These activities are important to complete the development of your child and prepare for the kindergarten cycle.  If it weather curcomstances allow, we play a lot in the daycare garden.


Each year we organize a Saint Nicholas celebration with the visit of the real Saint Nicholas. We also celebrate Carnival and have an egg contest at Easter. During the year, we celebrate the birthdays of all children at the daycare.


Monthly you receive the menu of the meals for the upcoming month. You need to foresee the bottles with the appropriate quantity of water and provide us the box of milk powder so we can prepare the bottles for feeding your baby. In case of stomach and intestine complaints, we apply a diet feeding and adapt the menu. Diet cereal is something you provide. When your child still needs to have its breakfast when it arrives at the daycare, the sandwiches and/or bread slices need to be provided. 
At noon, we foresee a warm meal. In the afternoon, we foresee a snack at 15.00 PM. For the smallest ones, we have a mush of fruit and for the older ones, we have a delicacy. Evening meals are not served at our daycare. The children can have water by the meals : when you prefer soft drinks, you have to provide it. It is recommended not to provide candy.


The daycare foresees the nappies and cleaning tissues. Only when your child has diaper rash, we ask you to provide us nursing salve. When your child needs medication : it needs to be provided  (clearly mark the name of your child and the indication of usage on the packaging). Antipyretic medicine must always be in the nursin bag of your child. Antipyretic medicines are administered with us from 38.5C and higher and in dialogue with the parents. The small bottles with physiological water needs to be provided by you. The physiological water can be used for nursing the children's nose and eyes.  All your nursing products are being put back in the nursing bag after use.

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