About Us

Our daycare offers quality day nursery for children up to the age of 3 years and supports young parents with their educational role.  The children's parents are our most important partners. Our experienced daycare team works with passion giving every child the warmth, nursery and attention it needs.


At our daycare center, the children are subdivided in two age groups. In order to complete the development of your child and prepare for the kindergarten cycle, we have activities, such as draw, tinker, dance, paint, finger paint, gymnastics, telling stories, dolls cupboard, etc.


Our daycare is open on weekdays from 7.00AM till 18.30PM. During our annual vacation period, the daycare is closed for 2 weeks in July. We are also closed during public holidays and between Christmas and New Year. We have a yearly calendar offering you the exact information of the days when we are closed.


We have a lot of activities for your child at the daycare. Because of that this requires some organization. Therefore, we follow a kind of general schedule so that your child gets every day all needs and attention. 


Every month we provide you a detailed invoice and every year you receive an offical form for your tax declaration. Want to know how much the child care at our daycare costs? Check out your monthly payment and terms.



Kind en Gezin (Child and Family) is an agency that works actively in 'Public Health, Welfare and Family’ policy area. This Flemish agency focuses on preventive treatment and guidance of young children.

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